Kira Krüger: It's No Secret, But

22.09.23 – 29.10.23

Kira Krüger from the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg is the first participant in a new program to support young artists at the Kebbel Villa in Schwandorf-Fronberg. With her site-specific installation It's No Secret, But (Es ist kein Geheimnis, aber), the artist, who studies with Prof. Katja Eydel, bathes the entire top floor of the Gründerzeit Villa in Fronberg in red light. In an accompanying sound work, she uses her own whispering voice to evoke associations with the altered atmosphere of the room.

It's No Secret, But, however, mediates between the personal and the architectural or institutional inside and outside in a multi-layered manner, marks different transitions to reveal their symbolic construction, and allows us to emancipate ourselves from it a little more, to become magma again, to be both solid and liquid.” (Julius Jurkiewitsch)

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